In development version from github. Minimum supported compilers: GCC 7, Clang 6, VS2017 15.7
Source code
Visual Studio - SFML_GRAPHICS - 32bit
Visual Studio - SFML_GRAPHICS - 64bit
(use with SFML 2.6.1 binaries)
AUR (Arch Linux): tgui-git (official, contains all backends)
Latest stable version. Minimum supported compilers: GCC 7, Clang 6, VS2017 15.7
Precompiled libraries for Windows with SFML_GRAPHICS backend: (requires matching libraries from SFML 2.6.1)
vcpkg (Windows, Linux, macOS): tgui (unofficial, contains SFML_GRAPHICS and SDL_RENDERER backend)
PPA (Ubuntu Linux): libtgui-1.0-dev (official, contains all backends)
brew (macOS): tgui (unofficial, uses SFML_GRAPHICS backend)
MSYS2 (Windows): mingw-w64-tgui (unofficial, uses SFML_GRAPHICS backend)
Language bindings:
Ruby: white_gold
Previous version. Minimum supported compilers: GCC 5, Clang 4, VS2017
Precompiled libraries for Windows with SFML backend: (requires matching libraries from SFML 2.6.1)
(Use with "Visual C++ 15 (2017) - 32-bit" SFML libs) |
(Use with "Visual C++ 15 (2017) - 64-bit" SFML libs) |
PPA (Ubuntu Linux): libtgui-0.9-dev (official, uses SFML backend)
Old version. Minimum supported compilers: GCC 4.9, Clang 3.6, VS2015
Older versions are deprecated but can still be found in the GitHub releases.