When you open a child window, a message box or a file dialog, you may not want the user to click outside it until the window is closed.
A simple way to accomplish this is to render a Panel widget behind the window. Since you probably still want to see the contents behind the window, the background color should be set to transparent. I recommend using a semi-transparent color instead of fully transparent because it makes it more clear to the user that he has to interact with the window.
// Keep a global pointer to the gui to make it accessible everywhere.
// This is bad practice, but it keeps the example code short and simple.
tgui::BackendGui* guiPtr = nullptr;
void closeWindow()
// Find the transparent panel and destroy it
void openWindow()
// Create the transparent panel that covers the existing contents
auto panel = tgui::Panel::create({"100%", "100%"});
panel->getRenderer()->setBackgroundColor({0, 0, 0, 175});
guiPtr->add(panel, "TransparentBackground");
// Create the child window and make sure to add it to the panel instead of the gui
auto window = tgui::ChildWindow::create();
// Remove the panel when the window is closed
window->onClose([]{ closeWindow(); });
bool runExample(tgui::BackendGui& gui)
guiPtr = &gui;
// Create a button to open the window.
// Once the window is open you won't be able to press it again until the window closes.
auto button = tgui::Button::create("Open window");
button->onPress([]{ openWindow(); });
return true;